sâmbătă, 8 iunie 2013

Viitor in Romania

             Previziune despre Romania.

9 comentarii:

  1. Marii prezicatori nu stiu ce-o sa se intample cu tarile lor de origine, daramite cu Romania.

    1. Cred ca e un analist, nu prezicator.

    2. În opinia ta, ăsta e analist?

      "Rupert Wolfe-Murray

      Following a childhood in Scotland and an education (of sorts) in Liverpool, Rupert Wolfe Murray travelled to Tibet where he spent a year as an English teacher and guide. A short flirtation with journalism followed and then a long stretch in the Balkans where he worked for disabled children, the Roma minority and on documentary films.

      Now he is the editor to a drug and alcohol rehab clinic which is located in Scotland. His job involves editing websites (including Castle Craig's new website in Romania), producing short videos and persuading companies to address addiction issues.

      The views found in his articles are entirely his own and not those of Castle Craig Hospital.

      He tweets every day @wolfemurray and doesn't like Facebook."

      Ce analizează... alcolismu' la sate cauzat de cianuri?

  2. In ceea ce priveste Rosia Montana, trimit undele cele mai alese voluntarilor avocati, cele mai bune gànduri nouà, tuturor, sà nu se ne làsàm pàcàliti... Voluntariatul ar trebui sà ne intereseze si incà cum, in orice domeniu!

  3. Daca mai continua furtul din azi, tara asta va fi vanduta pe bucati. Cat de curand.

  4. Se spune ca, Romania e cea mai bogata tara de pe planeta. De 2000 de ani se tot fura si inca a mai ramas de furat.
